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A department that is always up-to-date and equipped with the best equipment available makes Grafibox self-sufficient with regards to the realization of graphic systems, films and printing plates.


The printing department is equipped with machines in the two standard formats to ensure greater flexibility in production and optimization of production yields.


The die-cutting, still considered an artisanal process, relies on highly specialized personnel, carefully selected machinery and tools to effectively and qualitatively concretize the complex paper converting projects.


Precision, special accessories and trained personnel allow the cartons to feature our well known, high machinability characteristics.


In line with the market renewed trend and necessities, we are able to safely manage the serialization of pharmaceutical cartons.


A Box Of Solutions

Grafibox Sud SpA - SB - Via Quarto Negroni 60 - 00072 Ariccia (ROME) - Tel. 06.9343021/2 - Fax 06.9342532
Tax code and no. of registration in the Company Register of Rome 00439570581 - Part. VAT 00893261008

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